Thomas Mwendwa

Name: Thomas Mwendwa
Title/Qualification: Mr.
Position: Administrative Assistant
Department: Finance

Short Biography:
Mr. Thomas Mwendwa holds a Bachelor of Economics and Statistics degree from the University of Embu, Certificate of Development Economics Course for Sub-Saharan Africa from IZA/FCDO.
He is currently working as an Administrative Assistant in the University of Embu, serving in the Finance Department.
Thomas is conversant with the university’s policies and procedures, and is instrumental in their execution.
Previously, he was serving as a Short Term Experience in Ministry (STEM) Staff in Fellowship of Christian Unions Kenya, stationed in University of Nairobi from January 2022 to August 2022.
He has also served in Kenya School of Government, Embu Campus in the Research Consultancy and Advisory Services (ReCAS) Department as an attachee.