Fire Safety Tips in Case of Fire

A Fire Drill was conducted on 21st March 2019 at the University of Embu.
The University of Embu trains Fire Marshals from time-to-time selected from its staff and students. Their role is to enforce order during fire incidents; fight fires, raise the alarm and call the emergency services during fires.
Fire drills are an important part of the UoEm fire safety procedures for many reasons. Not only do they ensure that all staff, students and visitors in our premises understand what they need to do if there is a fire, but they also help us to test how effective our fire evacuation plan is and to improve certain aspects of our fire provisions.


  1. Ensure no one is in immediate danger
  2. Raise the alarm by sounding the nearest fire siren/shout FIRE!
  3. Attempt to tackle the fire with the nearest appropriate fire appliances
  4. If the fire is beyond control, evacuate the building, closing as many doors as possible.


  2. Ensure all persons are evacuated from the building to the Fire Assembly Point
  3. A roll call is taken
  4. Ensure the FIRST RESPONDERS are called to every fire or suspicion of fire in the following order as the situation requires:
  5. Embu County Fire Brigade -0723 77 85 13
  6. University Ambulance -0798 18 87 40
  7. Kenya Red Cross        -0722 61 13 24 or 0716 08 80 43