Franklin Ireri Kinyua

Qualification:  DEGREE
Department:  OFFICE OF DVC (PAF)
Short Biography
Mr. Franklin is a team player, hardworking and time conscious person with a Bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology and a Certificate in Information technology. Currently, he is pursuing Master’s degree in Microbiology. He has attended several workshops and short courses including; Integrated Pest Management workshop (Kenya), minutes and report writing among others. In addition, he is a Procurement Liaison Officer and has diverse experience administrative skills and research work.
His main duties include; Organizing University Meetings/Functions/Conferences, offering secretarial services to various Committee meetings and Managing University Commercial Premises.
From his background, Mr. Franklin also offers Research assistance to the DVC(PAF) when need be. He has a publication, “Nthakanio NP, Ireri KJ, Munji KJ, Raphael W, Simon K, Kinyua IF. Progress and Challenges of Producing Super Yielding Hybrid Basmati Rice in Kenya. Science, Technology and Innovation for the realization of Kenya Vision 2030 and beyond, 2nd National Science, Technology and Innovation.; 2013.
Franklin has interests in research and is a member of the University Staff Choir and in addition, he is involved in Corporate Social Responsibility activities in the University.