Operationalization of Occupation Health and Safety

Operationalization of Occupation Health and Safety

Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) is associated with the health, welfare, and safety of persons at the workplace. The University of Embu has developed an Occupation Health and Safety Policy in operationalizing this Policy by establishing a base outline on OH&S situation at the workplace. There are various laws protecting persons at the workplace Occupational Safety and Health Act 2007 and the Constitution of Kenya. A baseline survey was conducted in February 2022 in preparation for the OH&S training. It was realized that about 87% of the University staff were aware of OH&S. Thus, it was realized that it was key to sensitize the other 13% of staff members. The following departments were identified to be trained due to their various nature of works:

  1. Health Unit department- due to COVID-19 pandemic
  2. Estates department- due to construction, maintenance and repair works
  3. Catering department- due to food handling
  4. Transport department (drivers)- due to road safety
  5. Farm department- due to handling of livestock and poultry animals
Importance of occupation health and safety at the workplace

Occupational Health and Safety, when implemented efficiently, minimizes associated accidents, hazards, illnesses, and even death at the workplace.

  1. Workplace-related injuries and accidents can be really serious but can be avoided. As such, Occupational Health and Safety provides a policy so as to resolve any workplace-related issues in a timely manner.
  2. Occupational Health and Safety also offers training to the employees to help them understand what actions they need to follow in order to not be involved in any harmful accidents. The training will ensure that the employees are made aware of what steps they can take in order to perform their activities in a safe manner, thereby reducing the fatality rate.
  3. Occupational Health and Safety ensures that you show compliance with any legal laws and requirements. Companies or individuals who do not ensure safe working environments and show negligence to these laws open their doors for being shut down or face criminal charges.
  4. Occupational Health and Safety also helps you to save costs by reducing the chances of facing fines or other penalties. Ensuring that the employees go through the training, you can keep the training certificates of the employees. This will help in situations where an accident occurs due to the employees not following the necessary guidelines. They will not be able to claim that they did not go through a proper training and in return, save you costs.
  5. By providing a safe working environment, you also increase the efficiency of your company. As it offers you strategies and an efficient framework on providing a safe working environment, in the process you also promote positive morale among the employees. This results in bigger company profits and better public image.